The 2011 drilling results indicated that the Lineynoye field extends further north than previously estimated and that the Lineynoye and West Lineynoye fields are one connected structure and that field wide oil water contact lies below the structural spill point between Lineynoye and the Emtorskaya high to the north providing further evidence that the field is much larger and potentially includes the Emtorskaya high structures to the north.
The additional work carried out during 2012 included the re-interpretation of the two old Soviet era wells (E-300 and E-303) at Emtorskaya. In both wells it has been interpreted that there is potential missed oil pay making this a very interesting prospect for future development. The crest of the Emtorskaya prospect is 65 metres higher than the crest of Pad 1 at Lineynoye. The Emtorskaya structure encompasses an area over 100 sq kms and is over twice as large as the combined Lineynoye and West Lineynoye structures.
In the winter of 2014/2015 an extensive grid of high resolution 2D seismic data was acquired over the Emtorskaya High. At the end of 2015 LLC “Sibneftegeofizika” completed their seismic and well data processing and interpretation studies for the Emtorskaya High prospect and prepared a “Resource Passport”.
When Sibneftegeofizika prepared their resource estimate for Emtorskaya based on the new seismic, alpha SP maps and re-evaluation of the well logs, they only calculated resources in the area above the interpreted oil-water contact in the E-300 and E-303 wells (modeled owc at -2,383 m tvdss). Their calculated C3 resources are still quite large at 106 million bbls assuming a 30% recovery factor. Their model forecasts thicker net pay intervals away from the well control based on both the alpha SP maps and structural maps.
It is likely that some of these reserves can be booked as P3 given the amount of data that we have supporting the presence of oil and especially the log data showing identified missed pay in the old soviet wells on the structure. This is a similar situation to what happened at Sibkrayevskoye where we identified missed oil pay in an old soviet well and then followed up with the S-372 discovery well.
Updated March 2016