The Ledovaya No. 2a well was spudded on 5 December 2011. The well was targeting oil in both the Lower Cretaceous and Upper Jurassic intervals. Based on the initial evaluation of log and core data the primary Upper Jurassic J1/1-2 reservoir interval contains about 10 m of high quality sandstone. The top five metres of this are interpreted as oil bearing whereas the lower five metre zone is interpreted to be an oil plus water transitional zone.
Testing of the combined J1-1 + J1-2 interval consisting of 5 m of net oil pay was completed in April 2012. The well achieved stabilised natural oil flow of 8.3 m3/day (52 bopd) on a 3 mm choke. The oil is good quality with a 34 degree API gravity. The well has been temporarily suspended and we are reviewing our options for further delineation/development of the field.
The core and log data also indicate that the well has discovered a new oil pool in the secondary objective Lower Cretaceous interval. Data indicates that a sandstone interval from 2,515 to 2,523 m contains 4.5 m of potential oil pay.
The zone will eventually need to be flow tested behind casing for confirmation; however, we do not have a good cement bond over the interval behind casing to currently test the interval. However, at this stage we are pleased with the result given that the same interval is productive at the neighbouring Stolbovoye field which is located 24 kms to the south.